Recently, we have discovered that the surface of W(110) shows a spin-polarized Dirac-cone state within a spin-orbit-induced gap, which is reminiscent of a TSS [1]. Here, in contrast to so-far studied topological insulators, the surface structure...
2016-12-26 -
As the discovery of high-Tc superconductors promoted the development of high-resolution angular resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES), recent discovery of new quantum matter, such as topological materials and surface Rashba systems and thei...
2016-12-26 -
Superconducting nanowire has been used as a platform for understanding superconductivity and developing advanced electronics. I will present the recent progresses I have done for extending the functionality of nanowire devices with my colleagues.
2016-12-26 -
超导纳米线单光子探测器(Superconducting-nanowire single-photon detectors, 简称SNSPDs)在2001年问世之来,研究者不断提升它们的性能并将SNSPD应用于地月光通信、量子光学实验等相关领域。
2016-12-26 -
2016-12-26 -
Superconducting circuits are demonstrated to be a very promising platform for constructing large scale quantum processor.
2016-12-26 -
Helium resource is finite and decreasing rapidly now days. Helium users face periodic helium shortages as well as high and continuously increased helium prices.
2016-12-26 -
Understanding exotic, non-s-wave-like states of Cooper pairs is important and may lead to new superconductors with higher critical temperatures and novel properties.
2016-12-26 -
Practical application of graphene requires the structure continuity and structure coherence, which in turn requires the production of graphene with large domain size.
2016-12-26 -
Graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are 2D van der Waals (vdW) materials that have recently emerged with the potential to displace conventional silicon technology for electronic and opto-electronic applications.
2016-12-26 -
The exploration of new states of matter for quantum computation has been at the forefront of condensed matter physics research.
2016-12-26 -
While scaling the dimension(s) of semiconductors down to nanoscale, novel properties, such as ultrahigh specific surfaces and strong electrostatic tunability, will appear.
2016-12-26 -
2016-12-26 -
2016-12-26 -
In this talk, I will overview our recent works on quantum transport in topological semimetals of transition metal monopnictides (NbAs and NbP), and transition metal dipnictides (NbAs2, TaAs2 and TaSb2).
2016-12-26 -
Josephson junction based artificial atoms and superconducting circuit QED are very promising for the realization of quantum computation.
2016-12-26 -
In this presentation, I will present the many-body interactions in solids studies by high resolution ARPES. High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy studies of Fe (1 1 0) and Ni(110) single crystals have been conducted to clarify...
2016-12-26 -
超导集成数字电路技术,又称超导单磁通量子(single flux quantum,SFQ)电路技术,是低温超导器件的一个重要研究、应用领域。超导SFQ电路所具有的高速、低功耗、高灵敏度等优势使其在新型低能耗超级计算机、高性能雷达与通信等领域都有巨大的应用前景。
2016-12-26 -
We have been studying spin-polarized surface states by using laser-based time-resolved angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (Tr-ARPES), and spin-resolved ARPES (SARPES).
2016-12-26 -
Graphene is a single atomic layer of carbon that is crystallized in the honeycomb configuration. It has many unique properties that are of particular interest for the development of nanoscale electronic devices and sensors.